stored database

英 [stɔːd ˈdeɪtəbeɪs] 美 [stɔːrd ˈdeɪtəbeɪs]

网络  存储数据库



  1. LBAC is an implementation of Mandatory Access Control ( MAC), which provides a reasonable level of security assurance for sensitive data stored in database.
  2. On-line analytical processing ( OLAP) demands history data stored in database perennially, and response to the analysis and query quickly.
  3. Under Internet entironment, data stored in database management system may be faced with unauthenticated disclosure, modification, counterfeit, broken, and so on.
  4. The system can automatically extract information from other similar pages using the knowledge in knowledge base and the information extracted is stored into database.
  5. The operation on the files stored in database based on C++ BUILDER
  6. The data type, which is stored in database together with the data, determines the constraint criteria.
  7. The solution of data collecting and real time control of industrial stove based on Windows and PC is introduced, The data of temperature is stored in database and also be displayed in figure in this system.
  8. A tree-like knowledge memory structure is designed, which makes the knowledge stored in database in binary flow possible.
  9. All empirical parameters and curves used in electromagnetic design were stored in database.
  10. In this paper, an access control method is introduced, which uses both the access information stored in database and deep-first search method to implement the access control.
  11. Presents a design and implement of common, dynamic tree structure. In this scheme, data is stored in database, the design of business logic is referenced from MVC pattern, and multi-tiers B/ S framework is used.
  12. A new technology of electronic document administration are introduced, in which authorized administration mechanism are taken and the documents are classified, encrypted, compressed and then transported via intranet and stored in database.
  13. So a new research field named knowledge discovery, comes into being. Because usually the information containing knowledge is stored in database, knowledge discovery in database ( KDD) becomes the focus of knowledge discovery.
  14. Its core function can make a enterprise to scan, inquire, sort and count the permanent information resource stored in database.
  15. OpenGL graph interface is used to realize the display of diesel engine 3D model and the virtual assembly has been realized through extracting assembly data stored in database.
  16. This thesis devoted to study three-dimensional data stored in database, three-dimensional optimization, the corresponding algorithm of two-dimensional data and three-dimensional data and principle of interactive technical application of Virtual Reality with three-dimensional model at the theoretical research.
  17. And data was realized stored in database.
  18. Configuration data of satellite channels is stored in database. Operators can manage the system through Web mode or character mode configuration interface.
  19. In this way, the file is stored in database as binary stream. It is prefer to being stored as a file in a directory by operation system. So the data, include in e-file, become more security.
  20. The Symbol information is stored in database in standard XML.
  21. However, they are heterogeneous data, such as: image resources are image format, so they belong to non-structured data, but the patients 'individual information are stored in database, and they belong to well-structured data.
  22. Database need to process this uncertain information when it is stored in database.
  23. The representation method of text annotation in database is presented in this thesis. This method makes the features of the information entities and the annotation results stored in database so that all the information of the features should be parameterized.
  24. The crash protection, the system combines database, will be critical information stored in database files, the system can be promptly resumed after the collapse of the original state.
  25. In conventional information system, the data is mainly stored in database and is represented by boring words, which not only hides some important information behind words, but also makes the system lack the ability of visualization analysis and decision support.
  26. The fire information is stored in database. Finally, the entire system is tested in the laboratory. It realizes the function of the house fire alarm system, effectively reduces the rate of false alarming and omitting and is very effective for home fire alarm.
  27. With the introduction of temporal dimension, the dates stored in database also become very large. This made the redundant information also increased.
  28. Then, design the interface of the system based on the collected real-time information and the open-pit information stored in database.
  29. Secondly, according to the needs of dynamic detection, in order to realize the function of recover and update, the original information and change information were stored in database respectively.
  30. E-commerce enterprise information with diversiform types, both structured data, but also contains a large number of semi-structured and unstructured data, and valuable business information can be stored in database management system are very limited.